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Home Word Processing&SpreadSheet Conceptual Desgin WebDesgin

Otahuhu College Gallery

This website is most targetted for teenagers it is about what type of resources does digital technology have. It will help teenagers to understand more and learn more.The society can use this website who is intrested it will help them and they will have an opputunity to learn important and new things. In this website they will have things to learn like word processing and spreedsheet,web desgin,and conceptual desgin.Word processing and spreadsheet is mostly two diffrent applications and it is about making things and we also can print and show it to people.Web desgin is making our own website and putting it on the internet.Conceptual Desgin is to write or draw a report that what we are going to do to make our website. From this website we can make a free website the website name is Neocities. This is the best site because it makes your website a real website which will go on the net and you can see it and show it to people,friends and family so know you people will know what type of messages i am going to tell you about and you will have a idea that how much fun is computing.

In Computing we always learn new tasks some of them are tough and some are easy but we always manage to finish our task. Computing is really fun because you can do all sorts of things and also you can go on cool sites which will be fun. Computing is handy because you can search things which you do not know.

Internet does not belong to anyone it is for everyone and also internet tells mostly everythings and if u want to learn most things then you can just search and you will get the result. In internet we can download application. The application which we can download is like movies, music and also we can download games to.

In the computer we can make things we can send email and also we can chat and talk to people overseas. Computer has diffrent parts that works in diffrent ways if you want to know more then you should just go online and type whatever you want to know and you will get the result.